Matthew Keenan’s Tour Training Challenge is well underway – with coaching from Graeme Brown and data from his InfoCrank power meter, Matt is trying to improve his fitness during the three weeks he is commentating on the Tour De France.
Matt is now inviting fellow cyclists to join him for the challenge…
In response to a post about my Tour de France Training Challenge, I was asked why am I doing it, what event I’m preparing for.
Well, there is no event. And the challenge isn’t to beat anyone else.
I’m doing it to challenge myself. I simply want to push myself and see how much I can improve with some structure around my training on limited time.
And so far, almost one week in, I’m loving it.
It’s giving me something really positive to focus on in a year of disruption. I’m making the most of not being able to go to the Tour since I started commentating on the race in 2007.
So why don’t you join me.
Do the same pre-training tests that I did to measure your max power, 1min and 5min power, and your FTP.
At the end of it we’ll do the same tests again and see if we’ve improved.
Every day, on my Instagram account (@mwkeenan), I’m going to post an overview of the training that’s been mapped out for me by dual Olympic gold medallist, Graeme Brown, and you can use that as guide for the sort of sessions you can do.
You can start the challenge whenever it’s convenient. It’s not a competition with anyone. It’s about setting yourself the challenge.
The good and the bad news for me is there’s no dodging Graeme’s eye. He sent me a pair of InfoCranks so he can accurately measure my workouts. I got a text message during one interval session to keep going. He’s in Perth and I’m in Melbourne. Big Brownie is watching.
If you’re up for the challenge please let me know what you think of some of the training session. It’s always nice to share the suffering.
To get involved in the challenge, complete your pre-training tests and follow Matt’s training on Instagram. You can also join the Zwift rides by getting in touch with Graeme – Share your progress on social media using #TourTrainingChallenge and tag InfoCrank.
We’ll be posting updates on Matt’s progress across InfoCrank social media, and you can also join the conversation on Matthew Keenan and Graeme Brown’s Instagram and Facebook pages.